One of them (who was being VERY obvious about it) seems to have been nuked by Nexon already, but there seems to be some other ones (who are being slightly more clever about it).

The "clever" ones seem to be centering on crafting consumables and *VERY* rare ones at that. Like I just bought EIGHTY grand spell essences for only 1 million each (shortly after it suddenly occurred to me that they might be dups).

They also have dozens and DOZENS of Primal Essence items up for sale (at fifty million a pop). The price isn't all that unusual, however the amount is... insane. There is no legitimate way in the game to farm *THAT* many Primal Essences... there just isn't... and that's coming from someone who strip mines every map on every channel in the HoH almost every other day. I've been doing that for nearly two months and I have *NEVER* found one... seriously, not even ONE! o_O

They think they're being "clever" about it because they "hide" the duplicates in multiple shops. Basically instead of putting items with identical scrolling and identical potentials in the SAME shop, they instead get TWO shop permits and then put one in each. The problem with their "clever" plan there though is that lets you search by the ITEMS, which gives you a very clear picture of whose duping what and where.