Conversation Between rasudoken and RastisRules

10 Visitor Messages

  1. I'm always watching, waiting for my chance to strike.
  2. No post in two years
  3. Yup. Got an English patch for it and been playing it like crazy.
  4. Pokemon Black/White Heroine am I right?
  5. i first watched it on TV when it aired about 8-9 years ago. I own them all on DVD so thats the way I generally watch it. I watch the dun alot of the time, its easier to watch, especially in the later half of the series/movie. Its one of the better dubs I herd, but the japanese track is wonderful as well.
  6. How did you watch Neon Genesis? Through DVD, stream, or download?
  7. I won't be going that far, just going to get the girls i want.
  8. I got Misai and Tomoyos lights together, Last I played I was working on ***os, just need nagisas to unlock AS.
  9. Finished Kyou and Misai. Going for Tomoyo now
  10. Hows Clannad been going for you?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10