Conversation Between Falkner and Tesiqurasa

29 Visitor Messages

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  1. You available now?
  2. I finished the proof of love thingies, which wedding ring type did you want?

    I don't have class monday (but I do have a project monday night), so I'm free anytime tomorrow/monday afternoon.
  3. You mean Mike's? I don't have that info anymore, when Mike and I quit, he gave the full info to Tony.
  4. Tesi, when can you go on trey's bishop and leech me?
  5. Tesi, leech me in galicia :<
  6. hai tesitesi

    btw, who was on your DK that day?
  7. When will you come back to galicia d:
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 29 of 29
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