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Thread: 1 Point to MP = How Many ?

  1. #1
    Beginner Gachinto's Avatar
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    Default 1 Point to MP = How Many ?

    When I upgrade my stats and put 1 point in MP... what is the real amount of MP I get per points I put in? Does that vary if I took different job / advancement?

    Cheers ;)

  2. #2


    The amount varies based on your INT (which should be 4 if you're a warrior) and yes, mages get more MP for every AP into MP. Warriors, I believe, get one of the least.

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  3. #3


    On the other hand, warriors get 50+ hp for every AP put into HP. Thieves and warriors get 16+. Not sure about mages.

    This increase is affected my Improve Max HP/MP Increase skills

  4. #4
    Beginner Gachinto's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by penguin4tor View Post
    The amount varies based on your INT (which should be 4 if you're a warrior) and yes, mages get more MP for every AP into MP. Warriors, I believe, get one of the least.
    Oh it depends on Int? Cause I was experimenting it and I had 4 MP for every point I used... I gotta double check my Int~

  5. #5


    I highly suggest you don't add ANY int because it is extremely Unuseful.
    lv 63 assassin luckyth3if...retired cuz i got hacked -__-
    lv 66 lit mage Klllstealer got hacked a few month ago
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  6. #6
    Slime Tolinar's Avatar
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    I considered this a long time back.

    I discovered the benefit to improving INT to getting up your MP is not very good. It's mainly because no matter how high you get your INT, you always recover 3 MP per 10 seconds.

    And in the end, how much you can hold only determines the size of the potion you can use / how often you need to push the Potion button. The regeneration rate ACTUALLY affects your character's MP recover.

    And MP recovers 3 per click for a fighter (until they purchase Relax later if possible)

    So it doesn't matter if you spend on INT, STR or +MP total.
    You still spend about the same amount trying to keep your MP up, and have to recover it about as quickly...

    EDIT: A final note for the road. When you choose to become a Fighter at lv30, you get an HP boost, but if you become a PAGE, you get an MP boost instead. So a Page can start using Mana elixirs and elixir pills sooner on. Many Pages will attest this isn't really much of an advantage, and they wish they had the HP instead :/ (After all, both Fighter and Page only get 3MP per 10 seconds anyway)

    Mardia Server.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Tolinar View Post
    A final note for the road. When you choose to become a Fighter at lv30, you get an HP boost, but if you become a PAGE, you get an MP boost instead. So a Page can start using Mana elixirs and elixir pills sooner on. Many Pages will attest this isn't really much of an advantage, and they wish they had the HP instead :/ (After all, both Fighter and Page only get 3MP per 10 seconds anyway)
    This is correct. Pages are disadvantaged with an MP increase simply because MaxMP is useless unless you have skills that require more MP than your exisiting MaxMP of if you are able to use the extra MaxMP for some other purpose such as Magic Guard.

    Anyway, who would you think is stronger? A warrior dealing 1000 damage a hit or another warrior doing 1100?

    The difference is a tiny 100 damage for 10%, but we all know that obviously the one doing more is stronger.

    Now, how about a warrior that does 100 billion damage and one that only does 10 billion damage in one hit?

    This time the difference is 90 billion damage or 90%! But I tell you, they are the same. They will both kill ANYTHING in one hit. There is absolutely no point in doing that extra 90 billion damage!

    It is also the same with HP. Comparing a warrior with 1 hp against one that has 5, there is no difference. They both die to almost everything in 1 hit. How about 1 billion and 5 billion hp? There is also almost no difference. The 1 billion hp warrior need to get hit about half a million times while the other 2.5 million times. There is a difference, but who gives a hoot about that kind of difference?

    It is the same as with MaxMP. As long as you have enough to cast your skills, there is almost no more use for more MaxMP. Except, of course, when you are using % based potions. Then, you will save some mesos.

    Food for thought: People struggle daily to make ends meet. How much money you have or earn is only important when it is close to your expenditure. If we only need to spend about $2000 a month and even if we want to splurge by buying a house every month, we can only spend about $2 million a month! But Bill Gates earn $1 million a day. So, where does he spend his money? Charity =D Giving away what extra you have is the only way to get rid of excess sensibly.

  8. #8
    Beginner Gachinto's Avatar
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    Thank you very much guys for the info and helps ~

    I guess the path of having more int / mp just aren't worth it after all ... but regarding the HP / MP Boost based on my job ... should that be an important part for my judgement when I decide which class to be ? Say the MP boost is not worth it but what if the later skills of knight favors me a lil ... should I take the HP boost into consideration ? How significant / how much boost are we talkin about ?

  9. #9
    Slime Sir Sigmund Freud's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SpiraeaKozak View Post
    This is correct. Pages are disadvantaged with an MP increase simply because MaxMP is useless unless you have skills that require more MP than your exisiting MaxMP of if you are able to use the extra MaxMP for some other purpose such as Magic Guard.
    Hmm what kind of a bonus do spearmen get?
    I used to be Assassin444 but I tried to change my e-mail and it crashed.

    I have nx now so I will be updating with my new hair soon....*too lazy*

    Oh and BTW

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Sir Sigmund Freud View Post
    Hmm what kind of a bonus do spearmen get?

    Same as Pages.
    Meh..they get HB anyways...
    Message me for a:
    -Hybrid Spearman and DK Guide
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