Well, can I just point you in the direction of this thread;http://www.sleepywood.net/forum/show....php?t=1359967

Beginner Top 10
(A beginner is someone who hasn't job advanced)

#1 Lv. 55 Limnae (EenVoorAllen) - No Main
#2 Lv. 53 Newb4Life (kyozoku) - No Main
#3 Lv. 51 Postman (munchkin) - No Main
#4 Lv. 44 Joystick
#5 Lv. 43 Keyboard
#6 Lv. 39 Kyodaji
#7 Lv. 37 BegAgain ([s]alesteam) - Kalasznikov
#8 Lv. 34 Populatus
#9 Lv. 34 DANOOB
#10 Lv. 31 BuckoBegin

Islander Top 10
(An Islander is someone who never leaves maple island)

#1 Lv. 26 NoBoatForMe (Amherst)
#2 Lv. 26 KassyZawin (Prime) - Kasumarae
#3 Lv. 22 QwibbIe (Amherst) - Qwibble
#4 Lv. 21 Aquaphobia (Amherst)
#5 Lv. 21 Mushquito (Amherst) - Anbaric
#6 Lv. 20 Citwouille (Amherst) - Frenkones
#7 Lv. 21 1337nub (Amherst) - KiRyu
#8 Lv. 18 PermaIsland (Amherst)
#9 Lv. 19 Sirens (Amherst) - Agitated
#10 Lv. 18 Profanity (Amherst) - Extract

Camper Top 5
(A Camper is someone who never leaves the training camp before Maple Island)

#1 Lv. 7 CantfindExit - Aphaea
#2 Lv. 5 Socket - Imaginary
#3 Lv. 3 Crowds - Agitated