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Thread: Fighter: 2H axe or 2H sword?

  1. #1
    Slime sharingan777's Avatar
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    Aug 2008
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    Default Fighter: 2H axe or 2H sword?

    After looking into the hs database for some time, I noticed that there isn't alot of differences between the 2H swords and the 2H axes (same speed, same "effects", etc.). The only difference I saw, (beside that they look differently) is that the 2H axes ALWAYS have 2 more WA then the 2H swords... I find that quite unfair, so is there anything 2h swords have that is better then the 2H axes (except that the swords look cooler (my opinion))?
    Goals: lvl50 [x] ¸ lvl 70 [x], Zhelm [x ] (yesss), Cape with Att [x], 10 wa wg [ ], 50m [x], 100m [ ], 1bil [ ]

  2. #2
    Jr. Necki DlPSHl7's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Yeah. Axes have the swing:stab factoy (forgot the ratio) where a swing with the axes does 120% dmg, and a stab does 80% (?), which makes them stronger but less stable (as in average damage output). When you see the animations for Brandish, you'll notice that it's 2 swings and a stab. The stab will hurt your damage if you're using an axe. But for swords, swings and stabs do the same damage. Thus Brandish will stronger and more stable with swords (assuming same equips and average clean weapons of that level).
    Also another factor is that axes are waaayyy cheaper compared to swords. Hence it's easier to get a much stronger axe, or mass scroll your own, than to get an average sword.

    Something like that...

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