1) Donations

Ever wanted to support our forum? A donation from you will help us keep Hidden Street, the forum, and the server running! By donating just $5, you get the following benefits for a full year:

- Donators-only name colour
- Your Private Message storage box increases to 1,000, up from 120.
- Your profile picture size and file size increases to 125x125px and 100kb respectively, up from 100x100px and 60kb.
- Your signature image allowances increases from 500x105px and 25kb to 650x120px and doubled to 50kb.
- Access to an exclusive Donators-only board
- The ability to use custom user titles (regular users now require to be registered with us for at least a year (365 days) and have at least 500 posts to use custom user titles).

Donating $9 allows you to retain the above benefits for 2 years, while donating only $12 allows you to keep all the above for 3 whooping years!

If you want to support us, click here and choose the donation amount you wish to go for.

Caveat: All Donators will still have to follow our Terms of Service and will not receive any special treatment from us. You may be banned if you do not adhere to our ToS, but a simple rule of thumb is just to be nice.

2) Username Change

If you have ever regretted choosing a username that you eventually disliked and want to change your username, you can do so now! This is separate from the Donations above, and a decision we've come to make after declining many of such requests in the past few years. The privilege of changing your username comes at a small price - for only $5, you can make that permanent change you've always wanted.

Send your donation of $5 via PayPal to [email protected], and once that is done, PM me with the Transaction ID and the new username you'd like for your current username, I'll try my best to make the change as soon as I can.

Do note that in order to keep tabs of these name changes in order to minimise confusion, we'll be creating a topic containing the new usernames with their former names.