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Thread: Infinence: Continuation

  1. #41
    Mushmom XxKiraYamatoxX's Avatar
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    Mar 2007


    Chapter 35

    Of all the countries to moor at... why Rygalia? This was almost too much of a coincidence to be true... and I really didn't doubt that Arenia had already told my father about me. And the Leviathan wasn't going to moor near any country's shores unannounced - it was so big that one didn't even need a radar to see it coming. No doubt my father would be informed... so I was probably going to have to expect a warm reception.

    "To be honest... we won't exactly be mooring. The Leviathan will crawl up onto land beside the capital city of Gallia. It's safer for us on land than on water - pretty much only ship-class guns can dent the Leviathan's armour, and we won't be as vulnerable to submarine attacks - I'm sure Yveria and Berion will be out for our blood too. Some of the Brigade's analysts say that a counterattack on the Leviathan is very likely."

    "I... see," I said, trying not to show my shock.

    "Something wrong? You look kinda pale," Artemis seemed to notice. Luckily I had a reason for being pale - I was already naturally pale-skinned.

    "My skin's pretty pale by nature, Artemis."

    "Well, you look somewhat paler than usual. Never mind then."

    I called up the ship's navigational chart through my... link with the ship and scrutinized it closely. It looked like we were only 2 days away from Rygalia now - wow, that was fast... too fast. I wasn't even prepared for the inevitable meeting with my father yet...

    "Well, we still have a few days to go until we get there. Just stay on guard in case anything happens," Ares said.

    "Yeah... sure," I nodded resignedly. There was no way out of this one...

    Ares and Artemis nodded back at us as we ascended the stairs up to the operator's bubble. Scotty looked kind of worried... I could understand that. We walked up to the door to the captain's room and entered silently. The first thing I did when I got into the room was plop myself down on the bed - I hadn't really gotten much sleep for the past day because of all the tests.

    "Traya, are you worried?"

    "Of course! I'm not ready to visit Rygalia yet, and... I'm sure there'll be a handsome reception waiting for me."

    "Who found out?" Scotty was quick to catch up.

    "Arenia. She found out when we were stuck in that time-frozen space. It was this birthmark under my butt that gave it away... but it's not something I can see and I never knew about it. She's a member of the Faust noble family in Rygalia - and under orders from my father to report to him should she ever find me."

    "Damn. I thought we could hide forever."

    "Same here. But it's no longer possible... since Arenia should already have told him all about me. I'm not sure if they'll accept me for who... what I am now though..." I relaxed my body and my wings and tail popped out again.

    "If your father really loves you, he will. The problem is..."

    "I'm not sure how to react... Arenia told me that father's suffering from a weird disease that slowly corrodes his body from the inside. He's dying, Scotty. Not much time left."

    "What do you think?"

    "I feel that I should at least pay him one last visit before... he bites the dust, but if I do pay him a visit, I'll likely be forced to take up the royal mantle. With mother dead and no siblings, I'll be the last remaining Wilson. And you know what that means."

    "Yeah. But if your father's dying, I really do feel we should, at the very least visit him. It's the only thing we can do for him now."

    "I really don't have much of a choice here... so visit him it is. I hate to say this, but I do feel a sense of responsibility for Rygalia. If I refuse to take the throne, Rygalia won't have a ruler. It'll collapse into anarchy... and possibly get absorbed into one of our neighbouring countries. I don't want that to happen..."

    "You could install a member of one of the noble families, right?"

    "I can't. Rygalian laws dictate that only a member of the royal family may take the throne. Nobles are denied that right, although they get higher privileges than normal citizens. In the event that no prince is conceived, a princess will succeed as Queen, and will have the same power as a normal King even after marrying. The husband will be forced to adopt the Wilson name, and only has power equivalent to that of a normal Queen."

    "So if you become the Queen, I'll be forced to become Leon Scott Wilson instead?" Scotty joked.

    "Even I'm not sure... there are some laws dictating who may marry into the royal family - I forgot them already. I'm not sure if you're eligible or not. And my father might not even agree."

    "That's harsh."

    "That's why I didn't want to stay. My father would completely object to me being with you, what he'd consider a commoner."

    "I can understand that. It's the same way with most monarchic countries nowadays."

    I sighed. Things weren't really looking up... and for some odd reason, my bust was also getting heavier and heavier until I felt like it was practically... pressing down on my body. I couldn't get off the bed now - I was simply too heavy... and my armour was starting to feel uncomfortably tight as well...

    "Scotty..." I moaned.

    "I felt it. What's wrong?"

    "I don't... know..."

    I just... couldn't hold it back anymore. I made my armour collapse back into my body even as my bust began to swell up slowly. Just when it was about the size of a watermelon, my bust... shedded. Another layer of fresh skin greeted me inside, while two large yellow... balls rolled out of the cast-off skin as it shrunk back to its original size. I lay on the bed, panting hard.

    "What the heck...?" Scotty gasped.

    "Don't... ask... me..." I panted. Thankfully nothing much had grown... but those yellow balls seemed to have been the reason for the extra weight... and the skin wasn't decomposing like normal. It seemed to be emitting a black sheen of sorts and was totally hard... whoah, that was crystallized skin. But if that was crystallized... then... I quickly joined the dots... My armour wasn't actually growing. It was crystallizing my own skin to grow. It was a horrifying thought...

    "Scotty... I think my armour's feeding on my own body to grow..." I gasped.

    "I came to the same conclusion too. I think it'd be better if you restricted usage of the armour to missions only... but I don't know. You store your armour inside your own body, so it's highly probably that it'll just keep growing like that even if you do that."

    "But... I think I shedded just to get rid of the crystallized layer of skin. If I keep shedding like this, I should be able to avoid total crystallization."

    "Maybe. What're those yellow balls by the way? They smell like... honey."

    Ugh. That again...

    Suddenly, the door slid open and Clara walked into the room. Her mouth was half-open to say something, possibly a greeting... until she saw my condition, the two yellow balls on the floor, and the crystallized layer of shed skin. Her mouth stayed open like that for a few more seconds.

    "What the heck happened to you, girl?" was her first sentence to break the silence.

    "Don't ask me... I don't even know myself," I slowed down my erratic breathing pattern and started taking long, deep breaths to calm myself down.

    Clara walked over to one of the balls and started inspecting it. I got up myself and walked over to the same ball to check it. The surface felt incredibly smooth and soft... and true to Scotty's words, it smelt like honey. The feeling felt rather uncomfortably like that of my own bust...

    "And you shedded again?" Clara turned to look at the cast-off skin.

    "Yeah... but it's a little different this time..."

    Clara walked over to the cast-off skin instead and started examining it while I looked on. She seemed oddly interested in it for some reason... I found out later when she actually lifted it up and put it to her chest for comparison.

    "I've always wondered how it's like to have melons as big as yours," she mused.

    "Hey, hey, that could be dangerous..." I walked over to her and pulled the skin away... or at least tried to.

    It was stuck fast and actually phasing through her clothes to her body, pushing her shirt out.

    "Hey..." she moaned as the shirt promptly ripped down the middle.

    "I told you," I sighed. But even I hadn't expected it to do that...

    "Maybe I would've preferred my old size instead - this is a little too heavy..." she groaned, attempting to push up her bust. It didn't seem crystalline anymore... but rather it was completely organic now - soft, and smooth. Had the crystal completely assimilated into her body? It looked like it had... but I noticed that Scotty was attempting to look away and keep his mind focused on something else.

    "We do have a guy here you know. Be a little more respectful," I said.

    "I could say the same about you. You've been walking around in your birthday suit for quite a while now."

    Oh yeah, I really had been walking around naked for a while already. Oh well, not that it mattered - I was sure that Scotty was already used to seeing me like this since I slept through every night like this. Besides, my armour was quite a bit on the bulky side and hard to sleep in. And most of my normal clothes didn't quite... fit me anymore. I had tried once, but I simply couldn't pull the shirt down past my bust.

    "Doesn't really matter now - I'm more worried about you. My armour changes my own body into the crystalline material it's made up of to grow. The only way I can keep myself from completely crystallizing is by shedding... that bit of skin that's now a part of you was previously crystallized."

    "But it feels just like it should. Doesn't seem like there's anything wrong."

    "Just to be on the safe side, you should tell me if anything comes up. I don't want anything to happen to you."

    "Yeah, sure, I read ya. I'll head to the infirmary if anything comes up."

    "By the way, what did you come in here for? I don't usually see you hanging around in this room."

    "Oh yeah, I just wanted to see if you were fine - you've been in the infirmary for a whole day after all. And you should already know this, but we're going to Rygalia. It's been a while, hasn't it..."

    "Yeah," I replied. I couldn't tell her that my father was expecting me...

    "Well, don't let me keep you from resting. Go catch some Zs, the others are waiting for you to come back."

    "Thanks, Clara."

    I nodded as Clara walked out of the room, waving over her shoulder back at me. Once she was out, I sighed and climbed back onto the bed while making my wings and tail fold back into my body. Damn, I felt so sleepy...


    When I woke up, I was half-smothering a sleeping Scotty in my bust... but there was another one in my face. But... hey, this was... Luticia? I carefully extricated myself from the bed, leaving Luticia there with Scotty. Something was very off though - she was far more overdeveloped than usual... and she was taller... huh, how did she age so fast? Now she looked like a teenager! Had I been asleep for a few years or something? No, that wasn't possible...

    "Mama..." she murmured in a low tone. As she did, I picked up a faint smell of... honey from her mouth.

    And one of the yellow balls was missing. So it had somehow caused Luticia to age... 10 years in the span of several hours just by her eating it? Wow. She looked more like me now than ever before - her super-long hair, her proportions... she had even sprouted wings and a tail, just smaller than mine. I gently shook her, and she opened her eyes to look at me. Hey, her eyes were... red-coloured now. She wasn't heterochromatic anymore!

    "Lute, wake up," I smiled.

    "What time is it...?" she asked groggily.

    "5 am in the morning," I checked the ship's clock mentally.

    Luticia closed her eyes and went back to sleep, rolling over... off the bed. Very audibly too.


    "Uuuu..." she rubbed her head in pain.

    "You okay?" I reached my hand towards her. She took it and let me pull her up... and only when she was standing at her full height did she notice something was off. She looked down at herself - I noted that she had outgrown her clothes, which were lying on the bed in pieces now.

    "Mama, what happened to me?" she asked.

    "I think you just grew another 10 years in the space of several hours. Lute, what did you do?"

    "After Papa and Mama went to sleep, I got back to the room, and I saw the yellow balls... they smelled so nice I couldn't help biting into one, and then it... turned all gooey and forced itself down my throat. I felt all sleepy afterwards so I went to sleep..."

    That sounded like... the fruits from that underground cavern I had gotten stuck in last time. Guess I wasn't completely free from those stuff yet...

    "It's good that you're honest, Lute," I smiled. She only smiled back... and sneezed.

    "Lute, just equip your armour. It'll at least help to ward off the cold," I said.

    Luticia closed her eyes for a few moments, her face contorting under her concentration. Her armour slowly emerged from her body. It still looked like it used to, just... bigger to fit her. She was definitely overdeveloped, even if she was supposed to be a teenager now. Then again, it had been the exact same case with me.

    "You'll have to wear your armour instead of your normal clothes from now on, Lute. Your old clothes won't fit you anymore now that you've grown so big. I'll have to buy new clothes for you when we get to Gallia."

    "Mama, what's Gallia like? Aunt Clara told me we're going there now."

    "Gallia is... a beautiful place, Lute. It's like Sarena, but a little more advanced in terms of technology and magic. And it's built next to the beach."

    "Mama was born there, right?"

    "Yeah. The view from the castle there is very nice, since it was built on a cliff overlooking the sea. Maybe I'll show you if we get to go there..."

    And I had no doubt that we'd really have to go there.

    "I want to go to the castle!"

    "We probably will, Lute. Now go get some rest, we have a long day ahead of us."



    I watched as the four battleships beside us sailed in just beside the Leviathan, flanking it on two sides. It was a really impressive sight - the battleships flew a lot of Rygalian flags all around them, and a lot of knights clad in heavy armour were up on the decks, standing at attention. I couldn't see their faces underneath their helmets, but their suits even bore the colours of the Rygalian flag. Ceremonial armour... Yeah, I had almost forgotten this was the usual protocol for escorting VIPs.

    "Quite the greeting they're giving us. Makes it look like we're VIPs," Artemis walked up beside me, looking at the two ships visible from the front deck.

    "It's the standard protocol for all visiting VIPs to be escorted like this. If they're travelling on land, well, they get the Royal Cavalry pulling cannons along."

    "Pretty fancy. But I'm sure we're not VIPs - the King didn't mention anything about this."

    "Well, there's one VIP on board," I blurted out, a little absent-mindedly... whoops.

    "Who is it?" Artemis asked.

    Luckily for me, the ships chose that exact moment to fire blanks from their powerful Magitech cannons. The booming sound half-deafened us, distracting Artemis from her question. The sound kept on ringing in my ears... ouch...

    "Ugh... they could've toned it down a little..." Artemis's eyes were watering... but I could barely even hear her talking - my ears were still ringing... It took a minute or so for the ringing to settle down before we could speak to each other normally again.

    "So, Traya, you were born here, right?"

    "Yeah. Gallia's my hometown."

    "Figures. You wouldn't know about the customs otherwise. What's it like in Gallia?"

    "Pretty nice place, but I didn't go out much."

    "Huh? That doesn't really explain your current state at all."

    "Hey, I've been training for several years already."

    "Huh... I admire you. I've been training since I was a kid, but I'm still not as strong as you are," Artemis sighed.

    "Just keep up the effort. The important thing is not to give up and trust in yourself and your friends... Scotty taught me that."

    "Thanks, Traya. Look, I have some stuff I need to do, so I'll be heading in now. You want to stay out here?"

    "Yeah. I want to look out at the sea more."

    "Okay then. See you around," Artemis waved at me as she ran back towards the ship's bridge tower.

    I sighed and turned back around to look out at the sea. One knight in particular on the ship to my left was straining to get a look at me - I could tell from the way he was attempting to shift his head, but the knight beside him appeared to be chiding him for it. I chuckled lightly and focused on the horizon where the deep blue water met the cerulean sky. It was still morning, and the sun had already risen.

    The ships belonged to the Rygalian Royal Navy, or just the Royal Navy, the single most deadliest naval force on the continent of Ostea. Composed of the best-trained sailors available in Rygalia and equipped with some of the best ships available on the continent, they weren't often seen in port because they were almost always out at sea dealing with pirates or monsters threatening Rygalian waters.

    They also performed ceremonial escort duties like these for VIPs - the number of ships doing the escorting depended on the 'level' of the VIP. For royalty like me... it was 4 ships. Nobles and visiting ambassadors from other countries got 2 ships. It was one piece of information I had purposely not told Artemis - she might figure it out instantly.

    "Only 10 minutes to landfall, huh..." I murmured, referring to the ship's navigational systems for the estimated time to the destination. Plenty of time to lounge around. I could see the city's silhouette in the distance...

    It felt like only a second before the castle was in full view... along with the throngs of people on the city and castle walls, straining to get a look at the Leviathan. Wait, they'd only get impressed by the Leviathan... they weren't actually waiting for it. That meant... ugh, they were waiting for me instead. Not really surprising... but it meant I'd have to be a lot more careful while walking around town. If somehow they found out who I was... there'd be quite a commotion.

    The Leviathan was smack in front of the beach now, dangerously close to beaching itself. Apparently the Royal Navy had been informed about the Leviathan's amphibious capabilities, and was hanging back a safe distance away from the shore.

    "Issuing ship-wide alert. We'll be crawling up onto land now, so all hands, please hold onto something."

    Artemis's announcement was actually on the ship's intercom - people on the deck like me couldn't hear it. I quickly ran over to the side of the deck and held onto the railing.

    The Leviathan suddenly beached itself with a loud thud. For a moment, I was afraid that something might've happened... but at least 4 large slits on the side of the Leviathan's hull opened up and gigantic treads extended out, planting themselves in the sandy beach solidly. The Leviathan began crawling up the beach, more treads emerging from inside the hull as it got further inland... though the ship was practically slanting. I could sense people cursing inside the ship - not surprising.

    It took a few minutes for the Leviathan to climb up to a more stable position, after which a hatch on the bottom of the ship opened up and a ramp extended down to ground level. The Leviathan came to a halt as it rammed several pegs into the ground to keep itself from sliding back down into the water - the rear half of the ship was actually still on the beach.

    "Okay, we're now officially... landed at Rygalia. Do note that the King has granted us the privilege of free stay at any inn in the city. All hands, you are granted shore leave of 2 weeks - we'll call you if anything comes up that needs attention," Artemis announced over the intercom.

    "Hey Traya, where are you?"
    Now it was Scotty asking me over our telepathic link.

    "On the ship's main deck. Why are you asking?"

    "Well, Lute wants to go out... so we're waiting at the landing hatch at the moment."

    "Oh, I'll be there in a jiffy,"
    I swung myself over the railing, spreading my wings as I did and slowly floating down to the ground.

    I pulled my wings back in and took a deep breath... taking in the smell of the salty sea. A few people on the city walls were staring at me - they looked a little scared, maybe because they had seen my wings. Well, it was nothing to worry about... I just turned around and walked over to the open landing hatch. Scotty and Luticia were already there waiting for me. Scotty was wearing his usual armour, with the Magnagaius strapped to his back.

    "Looks like we're the first ones out. By the way, you actually flew down here?"

    "Well, it was the shortest way down."

    "Just... try not to do that in front of so many people. You'd probably scare them."

    "I'm pretty sure I scared a few already. No biggie, come on, let's go in."

    Scotty sighed and took the lead while I hung behind him with Luticia. The guards simply opened the gates to let us pass wordlessly, though they did stare after us as we passed. Maybe more at me. The city streets were crowded with locals all straining to get a good look at the 'new' visitors. We had both been through here before - but I hadn't been able to explore the whole city by myself. When I went out of the castle to visit the city, it had to be along a preplanned route with guards, and I couldn't even get close to the shops. Sometimes my dad brought me out of the city in a horse-drawn carriage, but I couldn't see much from inside the carriage...

    But here I was now... walking along the street with a little more freedom.

    "Scotty, make sure you don't say my name. If they're listening in as close as I think they are... just the mere mention of my name will blow my cover."

    "I know that already,"
    Scotty replied with a nod.

    The locals cleared a path for us as we walked - I noted that they were either staring at me or at Luticia, completely ignoring Scotty. It was a pretty obvious sign that they were looking for the Rygalian princess... though they had no idea I was smack in front of them. At least my hair hid my royal birthmark.

    Hey, wait. Come to think of it... Luticia should have the bithmark too, since she was my daughter. I perused my memories for a while, looking for all the times I had seen Luticia naked. Ah, found it - she did have the birthmark... right on her chest. But this memory was from several years ago. With her current body, the mark was completely hidden in her bosom, extremely hard to see.

    I scanned the buildings around us for any clothing shops, but this area seemed to be filled more with potion, equipment and magic shops. Maybe it was because this was the outer part of the city, so travellers were most likely to come through here first. I sighed and kept on walking behind Scotty. Luticia herself seemed pretty excited.

    "Hey, let's just go to the park first. I think we'll have to wait a few hours before the crowds clear up," Scotty suggested.

    "Yeah. I can always get some new clothes later after all," I shrugged.

    We changed direction and headed for the park in the middle of the city. The crowd thinned out the further in we got, and the park was virtually empty. I sat down on a bench together with Scotty as Luticia hurried over to the playground. She couldn't get on most of the rides - she was too tall for the monkey bars and too... wide for the... er, ones that involved crawling through tight spaces. She did try, but she simply couldn't fit in. She was lucky no one was around to see that. In the end, she settled for the swing.

    "In the end, she's still a kid..." I sighed.

    "Yeah, despite how she looks. I gotta say, she looks more like you than me now."

    "Hey, she does have your brains though."

    "And your looks," he countered.

    "Speaking of looks, I put that yellow ball thing in my pouch. It's better not to leave it around like that, or else someone could end up like Lute."

    "You haven't seen what it does to adults yet."

    "I know... I'm having enough trouble holding back my curiosity as is," I admitted. I really felt like trying it out to see what could happen afterwards... but perhaps sometime else. This wasn't the right time or place.

    "Well... just try not to do it."

    "I'll try, but I don't think I'll be able to resist the urge. Sorry, Scotty..."

    "Geez. Just hope it doesn't do anything bad to you. Anyways, want to visit my village again sometime?"

    "Sure! I just hope my father doesn't lock me down in the castle or anything after we visit him..."

    "Yeah. But you know, I could just bust my way in and get you out..."

    "Let's just hope it doesn't come to that. But seriously, I feel like doing some quests..."

    "Same here. We've been at sea far too long..."

    I sighed again and got up to stretch my legs a bit. My muscles barely seemed to show through my skin for some reason - but it did mean that I could stay slender. It made me appear much weaker than I actually was too, so I could get a few opponents to drop their guards. After stretching, I sat back down and leaned against Scotty's arm.

    "I want to spend more time with you, Scotty."

    "Why are you talking like we'll be forced apart? Don't worry, everything will work out somehow."

    "Traya! Where the heck are you!?" I heard Arenia practically... shouting into my mind.

    "Arenia?" I shot right up. She was calling through my exoskeleton's communicator... and since it was fused with me, the call was pretty much going right to my head.

    "Traya?" Scotty looked at me questioningly.

    "Arenia's calling me," I quickly replied and focused back on the call.

    "Where the heck are you?"

    "I'm at the city's central park. Why are you asking?"

    "The King asked me to bring you to the castle immediately! I'm heading over there now!"

    "What's that racket over there? Oh wait, don't tell me."

    ... There was a racket over there because she was running through town. And she had practically shouted into the phone... and the very first word she said was... my name. It didn't take me long to connect the dots.

    "No need, Arenia. I'll meet you at the bridge in front of the castle."


    She cut the connection. I turned to Scotty, my face a little pale.

    "Something tells me we gotta move," he said.

    "Spot on. Use the rooftops - I want to draw as little attention as possible. Arenia'll meet us at the bridge in front of the castle."
    Last edited by XxKiraYamatoxX; 18th September 2010 at 09:15 PM.
    Monster Hunter Tri Status:
    - Hunter Rank: HR1 (Yay, me noob)
    - Favourite Weapon: Switch Axe
    - Current Most Proficient Weapons: Switch Axe, Hammer
    - Current Armour: Barroth Set + Lagiacrus Set
    - Current Most Hated Monster: Rathalos
    (Stop flying, wings fer' brains!)

  2. #42
    Mushmom XxKiraYamatoxX's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2007


    Hate them technical problems - ate half the previous chapter and forced me to retype the thing. Twice!

    Chapter 36

    I called Luticia over as I turned to the nearest building and performed a running jump that sent me flying high up into the air. Scotty soon followed, and to my surprise, Luticia managed to make the jump by herself. Maybe the development had really improved her body strength as well... but heck, at least Scotty wouldn't have to carry her.

    We leapt from rooftop to rooftop, barely making a sound as we hit the roof tiles. Even Scotty had trained himself to make light landings in his heavy armour, so we didn't have to worry about paying for the repairs of weaker roofs... like last time. I smiled a bit as I brought up the memory - Scotty had crashed through a roof while in pursuit of a would-be assassin who we had managed to interrupt in the middle of his assassination attempt. When I got back after dispatching the guy, Scotty was, well... in a bit of a pinch.

    A sudden scream distracted me enough for me to lose my footing and nearly slip off the roof I was on, but I quickly recovered and looked in the direction of the scream. It seemed to have come from our right...

    "We have some time to kill, right?" I looked at Scotty.

    "Well, I'd say enough for bashing up whoever's on the wrong side," he grinned.

    We changed directions and started running in the direction of the scream. It took barely a minute to get there - and I wasn't exactly impressed with the situation.

    Two men, armed with swords, appeared to be harassing a woman in a dead end. One was standing guard while the other rifled through her pockets, making sure to... ugh. He was officially creeping me out. I laid a hand on Scotty's shoulder, motioning for him to leave it to me, and silently dropped down behind the robber. The woman seemed to notice, but she didn't say a thing about me and just kept kicking about, attempting to shake the guy off.

    "Guys like you piss me off," I said when I was right behind the unsuspecting robber. He whirled around, only to take a fist right to the face. The impact knocked him backwards into a wall, leaving quite an impression on it. Literally.

    "Hey!" the guard had noticed. I turned around and raised my right arm, the guns embedded in my right glove emerging. He took two shots to each leg and another two to his shoulders. And a chop to the back of his neck that knocked him right out. I walked back to the victim as the guns retracted back into my glove.

    "You alright?" I bent down to the woman's eye level.

    "Yeah... they didn't hurt me or anything besides the groping. Thanks for saving me."

    "No problem, really. I'm in a bit of a hurry, so I'd better go now," I jumped back onto the roof as the woman gathered her belongings.

    "Thanks again for saving me!" she shouted as I walked out of sight.

    "We'd better get a move on," I nodded at Scotty and Luticia. We quickly returned on course, heading over to the castle looming in the distance. At least the city was big enough that even Arenia would have to take a bit of time to get to the bridge... though I had seriously been hoping not to cause a commotion. In the end... Arenia just had to blow it. Geez...

    I could already hear the ruckus caused by the almost-rioting locals to our left - Arenia appeared to have left them pretty far behind already, but the crowd was getting bigger and bigger by the second. I could tell by the sound, though Scotty didn't seem to be able to hear it because his ears were less sensitive.

    The bridge itself was relatively deserted - the guards were mostly on the castle side. Quite a grand bridge too - adorned with some of the most beautiful decorations cooked up by the best artists in Rygalia. I sat down on a nearby bench facing the city together with Luticia while Scotty walked around a bit. The castle was built on a tall cliff, so a bridge was needed to get up to it - more of a ramp than a bridge though. It was the only way to the castle on foot since the cliff was far too steep and jagged to climb.

    "Well... here she is," he looked to our right.

    Arenia appeared around the corner, panting. It wasn't long before the crowd that had been following behind her appeared too. They stopped further back as Arenia walked up to us slowly while regaining her breath. Most of their eyes fell on me - only a few were on Luticia though. Pretty obvious why - Luticia looked far too young to be me.

    "You could've avoided shouting my name like that..." I sighed.

    "I was... panicked..." Arenia gasped.

    "Well, you ended up drawing attention to me," I looked at the crowd for a moment.

    "Yeah, sorry about that, Traya."

    Guess some members of the crowd had been listening in close enough to hear that - the crowd suddenly fell completely silent, only to erupt in cheering moments later.

    "My, it's getting lively all of a sudden," I sighed.

    "I don't think the King will be happy if we get to the castle any later... Traya, let's go."

    "Yeah," I turned around and started walking towards the castle, with Arenia leading in front.


    We passed through the castle's main gate without any problems - the guards just let us pass the moment they saw Arenia in the lead. But... man was I surprised when I walked into the castle grounds. A large group of servants formed two lines on either side of the walkway leading up to the castle's main entrance. They bowed as we walked past them - damn, I had forgotten what it was like to be treated like this already.

    The luxurious main door of the castle opened into a long corridor with a red carpet running all the way down it. Kind of luxurious... but then again, this was my first visit back home in almost a decade. My father was bound to prepare something like this anyway... I sighed and continued down the corridor towards the large double doors at the other side. Through the doors was the audience room, where the commoners could have audiences with the King. Today, the place was empty for obvious reasons.

    The doors opened by themselves as I approached to reveal a large room with a tall platform on the side of the room opposite the door. A small throne - a mere replica of the larger one in the actual throne room was on the platform, and my father was sitting on it flanked by several royal guards in full ceremonial armour. More of those guards were in the room, arranged in two rows from the door to the platform.

    My father looked much older than I had imagined - he was almost hunchbacked at this point, and every strand of hair on his head had turned white. Wrinkles ran across his face and hands, with the rest of his body covered up by the royal regalia. He stood up as I approached and forced a smile - I could tell he was in pain...

    "My daughter... you have returned!" he exclaimed. The royal guards saluted smartly as I approached the platform.

    "It's been a long time... father," I smiled, kneeling down.

    "Please, stand. You sure have grown... dear Traya."

    "How are you doing? Arenia told me about your... illness," I stood up.

    "I'm still kicking, as you younger people would say," he joked. Yeah, he used to be quite the joker...

    "It's good to hear that... but are you sure you should be up and about?"

    "Nonsense! What kind of father would I be if I were absent during my daughter's return in almost a decade?"

    "You're... not mad that I left?"

    "We must all learn many things during our journey through life. Staying penned up in the castle is no way to learn - your mother was the one who insisted on that. I believe in more practical learning - and I can certainly see that you have excelled in that sense. You carry a certain aura about yourself now - an aura of knowledge, of strength."

    "... Thanks, father."

    "Now, we must prepare for the ball tonight," he clapped his hands.


    "Of course, it's to celebrate your return, dear Traya!"

    "Haha... I guess I really have no choice then."

    "Good!" he smiled.

    At that, a large group of servants in maid and butler outfits appeared out of nowhere.

    "Take my daughter and her companions to the royal quarters! Arenia, you have done well, so you can just relax at the ball tonight."

    "Y... yes, Your Majesty!"


    "I was kind of expecting this... but it's still kind of hard to believe I'm attending another ball," I sighed as I sat down on the lavish bed... the same bed I had used to sleep on all those years ago. This was my room - and surprisingly, it had been kept nice, clean and tidy all the time I was gone. Almost nothing had changed since I left too - the furniture, the placement of various items... everything was exactly the same although the bed smelled suspiciously new. Maybe it was the mattress.

    "It's... hard to believe I'm in your room..." Arenia muttered.

    "Mama's room!" Luticia laughed.

    "It's only a room in the end. Too bad Scotty had to go to a different one."

    "He's a guy after all. Not surprising."

    "I suppose... but I still end up missing him a bit. So we're supposed to wait here until night when the ball begins?"

    "Not really waiting here. Surely you haven't forgotten how long the royal and noble families take to prepare for a ball?"

    "... It's not like I have much to prepare."

    "Oh yes you do. There's the problem with your clothes - you can't expect to attend a ball in your armour like that. And you need jewellery, pedicure..."

    "All right, all right! I'm never going to get used to living like a princess again..."

    "You'll be Queen soon, whether you like it or not."

    "I did say I'm not going to stay here for long."

    "Regardless, you have to take up the mantle. You're the only one left."

    "Look, Arenia, shut up."

    "... Okay."

    I headed to the door opening out onto the balcony and pushed it open. The door swang outwards as I walked out onto the balcony. The sea breeze blasted me in the face soon after - my balcony overlooked the sea while still giving me a very nice view of the city. Down on the streets, I could see a large crowd gathering at the bridge leading to the castle... all straining to get a look at me. Several binoculars glinted in the sunlight - ah well, most of them had already seen me anyway.

    I gazed at the crowd for a few moments and smiled. Nothing really happened for a few seconds, after which a loud cheer arose from the crowd. I turned around and walked back into my room, closing the door behind me.

    To my surprise, there were already a lot of servants in the room, busying themselves with various stuff - most notably, they were... transferring a lot of dresses to the wardrobe, which was really a large room entirely filled with clothes that was connected to my room.

    "Your Highness, please select your attire for tonight," one of the maids bowed.

    "Er, all right..." I walked into the wardrobe room. Every time I walked into this place, I always got amazed by the sheer amount of clothes in here - there was everything from one-piece dresses to rather... flashy-looking swimsuits, elaborate socks and shoes and even the occasional tiara and cloak. In the past, it had been filled with smaller clothes for my younger body - but now it was filled with clothes that were more my size.

    I let my armour meld back into my body and selected a dress with an open top that was decorated with various gems - most of them rare. Several servants immediately took it off my hands and fluidly threw it around me. They also tied the strings on the back holding the dress together in a matter of seconds, but...

    "Tight..." I squirmed uncomfortably. No... it wasn't the waist... it was the bust. Hell of a time to have my oversized proportions getting in the way. The dress practically burst open in front after a while.

    "Is there anything... more my size?" I tentatively asked.

    "Your Highness... these are the biggest dresses we could find."


    I looked down at the torn dress I was wearing... so this was the biggest size they had? I wouldn't be able to wear any of them...

    "But your Highness, you should at least put on some underwear first," the maids advised.

    "I suppose..." I sighed. I had gotten too used to walking around wearing my armour underneath normal clothes that I had completely forgotten about that.

    But honestly, their choice of underwear was simply amazing. Everything seemed to be covered in gems or made of some kind of rare material - eventually I picked a set that seemed to be made out of some kind of rare sheep wool that was good for my body, according to the servants. It was the only one that fit anyway - it actually seemed to resize itself to suit my proportions. It was pretty comfortable, but otherwise it was too soft to cover up the shapes.

    "But isn't there anything you can do about finding me a dress?" I asked.

    "The magical dresses should be arriving soon. We took longer to procure them," a servant replied.

    Moments later, several servants burst into the room carrying several dresses that looked much different from the other ones here - they sparkled brighter than the gemmed dresses somehow. Magical, huh...

    The servants placed the dresses on several special hangers in the middle of the room and bowed at me before leaving as quickly as they had appeared. I walked over to the dresses to get a better look at them...

    One dress was red-coloured, apparently made out of dragonskin - it even featured ornaments made out of dragon teeth. Definitely one of the more exquisite ones. Another one was green and yellow, featuring a scaly pattern with the scales arranged to show the emblem of the Rygalian royal family on the chest. One of the dresses even appeared to be cloud-themed - featuring a basic blue pattern with a misty cloud for a scarf around the neck.

    There was also a black, glittering dress with a dangerous look to it and a white, slightly more traditional one made out of a semi-transparent material that seemed to have no weight at all. "By the way, how magical are they?"

    "They change to suit the wearer. The same enchantment is applied to all of them, but they have different individual enchantments."

    Interesting... I decided to try the dragon one on first. The moment the servants finished tying the back straps, the dress just split down the chest. "... I guess changing to suit the wearer doesn't mean they can change size..." I murmured. Sadly.

    It was the same with the rest of the dresses, at least until the white one - the only one that could fit me, like with the underwear. It was a similar case - the dress wrapped around me and I could barely even feel the weight as it did. The sleeves shortened to slightly above my elbows, and the back of the dress disappeared together with the part on top of the chest - my underwear seemed to vanish all of a sudden, replaced with a feeling of nothingness - like I wasn't even wearing anything on me at all, even though I could clearly see the dress... although it wasn't doing a good job of hiding my curves - rather, it seemed to be making them look a little bigger. It had turned opaque after I put it on so it wasn't see-through anymore.

    Well, at least it looked decent. "Your Highness, you look fabulous," the maids applauded.

    "I guess..." I turned around a bit to get a better look at myself before one of the maids appeared with a mirror.

    But really... the maids weren't lying. I hadn't gotten to look this good in ages - owing to how hard it was to get a good dress my size. Even if I did have such a dress, I had nothing to wear it to because of my job. Victory parties were crude - nothing as sophisticated as an actual ball.

    "So have you decided, your Highness?" one of the maids asked.

    "Yeah. I can't wear anything else after all."

    The maids nodded and quickly stripped the dress off and gave me a white robe emblazoned with the symbol of the Rygalian royal family on the back. "We have prepared a bath for you, your Highness," they bowed. Honestly, it really felt odd being waited on again after so many years...

    "You two done yet?" I looked at Arenia and Luticia. Both appeared to be done picking - Luticia had taken the black magical dress I couldn't wear - it had somehow fixed itself and I had to admit, it looked good on her - showed off her curves and all. Wait, was that a bad thing or a good thing? Oh well. Arenia had taken a normal red dress - nothing too special.

    "Hmm? Yeah, I'm done," Arenia said, quickly taking off the dress.

    "Me too!" Luticia said, taking off hers as well.

    "Then let's hit the bath," I smiled.


    And as usual... I was amazed at the scale on which the royal bath had been built. It was the size of a two-storey house, and was elaborately decorated with golden statues - the main bath in the middle had two lion heads with diamond-set eyes spewing water into it from their mouths. The bath didn't even use normal water - instead, it used a green cleansing goo that could only be created magically - and of course, it was dead expensive.

    I slowly lowered myself into the bath - the goo seemed to be trying to cover me entirely as I did. Low tendrils of sorts were extending out of it and attempting to climb up my skin, but were too weak to go too high. "Is... this safe?" Arenia touched the goo tentatively. It responded to her touch by rapidly moving up her hand. She shrank back a bit, but the goo held tight and didn't break.

    "It's safe... I've been in this before," I nodded, submerging myself in the water to chest level. My entire body was getting rather ticklish at this point...

    Arenia hesitantly climbed in as well, while Luticia jumped in without a second thought. I sat back and relaxed for a while, trying to ignore the itchy feeling. It eventually dampened out as the goo finished its job. Luticia and Arenia were... scratching. "Don't scratch - it's just the goo," I said.

    "Feels mighty suspicious if you ask me," Arenia muttered, but stopped anyway.

    "Relax... bathing like this is actually better than using normal bath water," I sighed. The goo was nice and warm... just at the perfect temperature to bathe at. I looked around for soap out of habit - finding none, I remembered that the goo already had soap in it anyway. I immersed myself entirely in the goo and fought my natural instinct to hold my breath - the goo was permeable to air anyway, and was enchanted so it wouldn't enter my body at all.

    Obviously it wasn't very often I got to relax like this, and I eventually half-fell asleep while still submerged. Arenia got a little panicked and pulled me up though, interrupting my relaxation time. "The goo's breathable... don't worry, it won't get in your body," I explained. She still didn't seem that reassured and stayed beside me the whole time.

    I couldn't really help noticing that I was the biggest here in terms of bust size - Luticia was following a size or two behind, while Arenia was about 4 sizes short. Really, Luticia was seriously overdeveloped for her age. At any rate, she was going to end up as a serious guy magnet in the future when she was fully grown-up. I reminisced about my own past as I pondered Luticia's future - I never really got the chance to enjoy being a guy magnet before obtaining my Shadow Angel powers. Sure, my silver hair back then did draw attention - very few people had silver hair, but besides that I wasn't really that well off in the looks department. And after that, so many things happened until I ended up in this form...

    "Sometimes I just find myself... envying you," Arenia sighed.


    "So many things... You're the heroine who repelled the Shadow invasion all those years back, and yet you're also a princess and a mother of such a nice daughter... And you're known for your looks too... not only that, you're even a Queen Shadow Angel."

    "Well... I only started looking this way after I got the majority of my powers. Lots of stuff happened... by the way, did you tell my father about me having turned into a Shadow Angel and all that?"

    "I did. He doesn't seem to mind it..."

    "That explains why he didn't act strangely or anything I guess."

    "He didn't say much when I mentioned Leon either."

    "I just hope he's all right with me now being married..."

    "I'm sure he understands. He's your father after all."

    "I'm not feeling particularly reassured, but I really want him to let me stay with Scotty..."

    "Can't really help you with that. Just keep on believing."


    I stood up and stretched for a moment - the goo just slid off me as I did. I could practically feel my skin glistening in the light from the magical lamps lighting up the room - it felt so much smoother now and I was feeling particularly refreshed. It felt like... an hour since we had entered the bath already. Luticia was swimming around - the bath was deep enough for that and the goo wasn't too dense to be slimy and all. Really, the goo felt more like water than goo. At least that was one redeeming factor - most forms of goo were disgusting anyway.

    Well, at least it wasn't salt water. If it was salt water, I'd have turned into my Siren form and probably destroyed the bath - my tail in Siren form was almost 12 metres long already and it was kind of hard to control it since I could barely keep the whole thing in my field of vision while moving. Not to mention my tail was a little too strong for its own good.

    "It's almost time for lunch..." I looked at a large clock hanging on the wall opposite the entrance.

    "Maybe we should get out now. I think I've... had enough of this goo bath thing," Arenia suggested, quickly climbing out of the bathtub.

    "Lute, come on!" I called. Luticia climbed out of the bathtub as well and ran over to me - luckily the floor wasn't slippery, or she'd probably have slipped.

    As we walked back into the changing room, more servants appeared with fresh changes of clothes - er, mine appeared to be quite different... it was a full dress, and the servants had even brought a tiara...

    "Your Highness, you're scheduled for a tour around the city after this until evening. We will have lunch at one of the city's high-class restaurants - we've made reservations already. In the evening, you will have dancing classes taught by a famous instructor to refresh your dancing until night, where you will attend the ball."

    My jaw dropped.

    "Wait... I just returned not too long ago, gimme a break..."

    "His Majesty insists that you go out and meet the citizens. After all, they have not seen you in years."

    "Can't that wait until tomorrow?"

    "His Majesty has deemed it so. I am afraid we cannot disobey his orders."

    "Aw man..." I groaned as the servants started dressing me - I noted that the dress had been modified to fit me, and it had an open top... not that I minded it. I was mildly annoyed when they got to work on brushing my hair and everything - I didn't even need it! But I didn't say anything and just stood there in silence as the servants did their job.

    Last edited by XxKiraYamatoxX; 12th November 2010 at 10:09 PM.
    Monster Hunter Tri Status:
    - Hunter Rank: HR1 (Yay, me noob)
    - Favourite Weapon: Switch Axe
    - Current Most Proficient Weapons: Switch Axe, Hammer
    - Current Armour: Barroth Set + Lagiacrus Set
    - Current Most Hated Monster: Rathalos
    (Stop flying, wings fer' brains!)

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