View Poll Results: Background?

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  • Grew up in a closeminded church, (now atheist)

    1 5.56%
  • Grew up in a closeminded church (still there, sadly)

    1 5.56%
  • Grew up in a closeminded church (became closeminded)

    1 5.56%
  • My church was kind (I'm still devout)

    4 22.22%
  • My church was kind (but empty, so I left)

    2 11.11%
  • No religious background

    6 33.33%
  • Parents were atheists, so I'm atheist

    3 16.67%
  • I have my own religious beliefs

    8 44.44%
  • Something in life happened, and it changed the way I believe

    6 33.33%
  • Something different I didn't mention

    4 22.22%
Multiple Choice Poll.
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Thread: Atheism Part 3: The Final Chapter (I hope)

  1. #41
    butts FailFTW's Avatar
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    Oct 2008


    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum sagittis, ipsum eu tempus placerat, sapien arcu volutpat diam, at consectetur sapien dolor pulvinar enim. Suspendisse posuere suscipit turpis, vel condimentum enim egestas at. Morbi et nunc risus, et pharetra purus. Vestibulum tincidunt interdum purus a sodales. Vestibulum eros dolor, imperdiet quis imperdiet accumsan, adipiscing at nulla. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Suspendisse potenti. Suspendisse sed justo sit amet eros dictum vehicula. Vestibulum magna nulla, feugiat in varius at, dictum consectetur libero. Suspendisse vel nunc leo, ac egestas nibh. Integer in neque lorem, ac sodales metus. Suspendisse fringilla, metus at viverra semper, nisi felis fermentum massa, in lobortis lectus felis eget tortor. Aenean non dolor porta velit tempor porttitor. Ut pulvinar varius venenatis.

    Vestibulum in elit eu orci blandit molestie. Cras convallis lobortis pharetra. In vel nisl turpis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. In auctor risus sed metus tempus sit amet vulputate purus pellentesque. Etiam ante mi, mattis eu vehicula et, laoreet euismod arcu. Vivamus sit amet turpis sem. Vestibulum at pretium sem.

    Suspendisse a erat lectus, dignissim fringilla mi. Integer non dui id enim tincidunt imperdiet sit amet eget tortor. Vestibulum id pulvinar massa. Sed vel libero nisl. In bibendum ligula et nibh mollis at volutpat mauris pulvinar. Curabitur fermentum risus quis arcu dignissim in placerat libero posuere. Donec ornare dolor et est cursus auctor. Donec tristique malesuada enim. Sed dolor turpis, venenatis a semper et, pulvinar sit amet ligula. Nam pellentesque nunc a enim placerat vel porta mauris rhoncus.

    Fusce in arcu sapien, non faucibus ligula. Aenean ultricies vestibulum neque, et feugiat orci egestas sed. Duis imperdiet dapibus arcu, non lobortis nunc malesuada ut. Sed elit purus, aliquam id sagittis nec, feugiat ac sem. Proin lacus urna, porttitor vel vestibulum aliquam, fermentum in elit. Aenean sem nunc, gravida a vulputate sit amet, rutrum eu diam. Nunc ut nunc risus. Curabitur et enim vitae nunc commodo scelerisque eu nec arcu. Duis laoreet semper rutrum. Aenean quam nunc, consectetur vehicula ullamcorper eu, aliquet sit amet neque. Nulla malesuada tellus vel tortor volutpat mattis. Praesent interdum leo quis mauris molestie porttitor. Sed pharetra erat id nibh tincidunt porta. Nulla porta auctor elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

    Donec condimentum mollis ligula ac volutpat. Nunc cursus consectetur erat, in suscipit magna placerat a. Donec tincidunt tellus at ante consectetur a consectetur ante elementum. Praesent urna ipsum, varius sed gravida sit amet, tincidunt ut mi. Duis felis neque, dictum ut pharetra non, viverra eu neque. Morbi dignissim egestas ornare. Sed at laoreet dui. Nunc in lacus orci, in pulvinar lacus.

    Praesent sollicitudin mauris ut dolor feugiat posuere. Duis vitae mollis odio. Cras nec augue enim, quis pretium nulla. Morbi velit sem, tincidunt id euismod quis, molestie nec orci. Quisque sodales, elit sed aliquet pharetra, orci lorem laoreet lacus, et tincidunt lacus nibh et lorem. Suspendisse vitae vehicula sem. Pellentesque ultrices volutpat dui, quis auctor libero varius non.

    Ut convallis, metus ut ornare viverra, eros massa facilisis est, et convallis lacus nisi id nisi. Maecenas lobortis luctus arcu, et hendrerit sem suscipit id. Mauris euismod nunc in nisl consequat blandit. Fusce ac est augue, sed sagittis libero. Aliquam ac mauris dolor, sit amet sagittis arcu. Proin auctor erat eu massa dapibus id blandit neque commodo. Sed dictum malesuada erat, vel vulputate lorem pretium eu. Sed sagittis suscipit nisl, nec viverra augue varius in. Fusce fermentum nulla at libero lobortis mollis.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris cursus augue quis velit fermentum quis mollis tortor volutpat. Donec neque lorem, sodales id laoreet ut, vestibulum sit amet metus. Phasellus lacinia scelerisque nisl vel egestas. Etiam mi metus, tincidunt quis lacinia vitae, rutrum ac orci. Cras sodales ullamcorper dolor sed iaculis. Integer ac nisl ac diam placerat ullamcorper et sed nisl. Donec luctus sem nec ipsum consequat vitae accumsan ligula congue. Fusce felis massa, aliquam pharetra vehicula at, eleifend eu orci. Aliquam erat volutpat. Aliquam ut quam quis nulla molestie suscipit. Quisque at lorem massa, ullamcorper cursus libero. Integer sed dui orci. Nunc nec magna vel nibh mattis pulvinar. Sed dolor nisi, pulvinar eu sagittis at, mattis in turpis.

    Proin porttitor, leo ac interdum faucibus, lectus leo tincidunt neque, at pulvinar tellus dolor non leo. Duis iaculis urna id justo consequat adipiscing. In tincidunt, elit ac tempus eleifend, neque diam semper ligula, laoreet luctus felis orci a sapien. Integer sit amet orci est. Aenean molestie adipiscing urna, nec tincidunt arcu sodales sit amet. Vivamus bibendum pretium nibh. Vestibulum erat tellus, laoreet condimentum congue quis, mattis nec urna. Donec nulla eros, posuere ac pharetra ut, pharetra id urna. Morbi nisi orci, bibendum quis vestibulum et, faucibus eu tortor. Praesent luctus mauris augue. Cras ut massa a orci dapibus adipiscing. Nullam vitae enim risus. Integer sed diam eget ipsum bibendum ultricies. Quisque gravida nunc ut dolor lobortis a varius nulla commodo. Nullam tincidunt feugiat porta.

    Etiam et mi non sem ullamcorper fermentum. Morbi odio nisi, suscipit non faucibus sit amet, viverra at leo. Nullam ante sapien, feugiat ut volutpat sit amet, viverra elementum augue. Integer ullamcorper lorem sed odio rutrum eget ultricies leo pellentesque. Fusce justo ante, mattis eu interdum sed, ultricies non odio. Aenean suscipit commodo bibendum. Aenean posuere iaculis pellentesque. Mauris facilisis vehicula mollis.

    TL;DR: I make more sense than bulma.

    213 181 178 166 165 164 162 152 147 135 134 130 125 123 123 120 120 104 100 100

  2. #42
    Phantom Watch Omar Ranger's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by emailbox View Post
    what if i said bulma was my alt and i was trolling you all

    Then you need help.


    Quote Originally Posted by kaglover1 View Post
    But now I'm like screw that, I'm skipping to the part where Bella finally combines with Edward

  3. #43
    Crimson Balrog PhoenixRider's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by emailbox View Post
    what if i said bulma was my ult and i was trolling you all

    This is when I know I've played too much LoL

  4. #44
    Too cool for bot zapping Clockwork's Avatar
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    Some place


    Quote Originally Posted by FailFTW View Post
    My new religion.


  5. #45

  6. #46
    lolregdex hermit CorbsterZX's Avatar
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    Raised Catholic, still devout (Good catholic community)

  7. #47
    Always the Bridesmaid... bulmabriefs144's Avatar
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    After re-reading the Tao te Ching, as per penguin's advice I've concluded something. The Tao te Ching can be read either backwards or forwards by chapter. There are two hints of this: It says something about "correct words seem backwards" and it says that when learning knowledge you move from broad to specific, but when learning the Tao you move specific to broad. Since the book ends with discussions on various states and how they hoard resources, I can assume this works.

    (yes, it does say you shouldn't call yourself a Taoist, in the source material I've looked up about "becoming a Taoist priest." It says you learn stuff like calling spirits, then study under a master, and then you sorta deny that you're Taoist. Also, it's heavily implied that defining yourself as Taoist is a sort of self-delusion, since the Tao is simple yet unfathomable, so no even the Tao is not immune to the rule of definition, despite it being one of the few things that can define itself, since claiming to understand it enough for you to define it makes you full of crap. The Tao is the Tao, yes, but if I were to be naming the tao, it would not be the true Tao. First chapter of the text. Btw, I can't find the source material I saw this on, so screw it)

    I've read the Tao te Ching, the I Ching, and Chuang Tzu. Just as I've read several different translations of the Tao te Ching, to see if there's different takes on the subject. You see Tesi get upset if you criticize teachers/education system, well this is something I've spent a good portion of my time involved in. That said, after years of doing this, I still have stuff to learn.

    Definitions is only a small part of Taoism, one that I largely brush past when it doesn't suit me. Opposites is only a small part of Taoism, since it's really the whole that matters, not the yin or the yang, but the Yin and Yang. But what I'm talking about is not that even, it's under the texts on what Taoism considers an ideal state. Yes, what the average casual reader says "wtf is this?" and skims past.

    It talks about a small country that has all the basics, and people can hear the rooster crow in the next country but they never bother to leave. It also talks a great deal about various cultural "sins" under what is Not Tao, like beauty recognized as beauty (fashion models, anyone), too many weapons of war, etc. There's something way more important being said here, and you're ignoring it to pick apart my terminology (which you know sucks) to say something's wrong with my belief system.

    Lemme clarify. There is something wrong with my grasp of the text, as you say, but it's not definitions it's this.

    Chapter 24
    He who is seeing (things from) his own (viewpoint) is not clear (about things).
    He who (has his) own opinion does not understand.
    Until I can learn to stop quoting "personal experiences" my grasp of Taoism will be messed up.
    Last edited by bulmabriefs144; 29th November 2011 at 02:34 AM.

  8. #48
    We're in a heap o'trouble Tesiqurasa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bulmabriefs144 View Post

    (yes, it does say you shouldn't call yourself a Taoist, in the source material I've looked up about "becoming a Taoist priest." It says you learn stuff like calling spirits, then study under a master, and then you sorta deny that you're Taoist. Also, it's heavily implied that defining yourself as Taoist is a sort of self-delusion, since the Tao is simple yet unfathomable, so no even the Tao is not immune to the rule of definition, despite it being one of the few things that can define itself, since claiming to understand it enough for you to define it makes you full of crap. The Tao is the Tao, yes, but if I were to be naming the tao, it would not be the true Tao. First chapter of the text. Btw, I can't find the source material I saw this on, so screw it)
    That doesn't make for a very convincing argument. If you've gone through and read multiple translations and various texts, how hard would it be to cite source material? You're just hurting your cause by trying to argue with that, especially since penguinz seemed upset by a general lack of understanding.

    I've read the Tao te Ching, the I Ching, and Chuang Tzu. Just as I've read several different translations of the Tao te Ching, to see if there's different takes on the subject. You see Tesi get upset if you criticize teachers/education system, well this is something I've spent a good portion of my time involved in. That said, after years of doing this, I still have stuff to learn.
    I'm kind of confused as to the purpose of this statement O.o
    I don't get upset if you criticize the system, I get upset if you blindly criticize it. Even if you were a world-renowned expert on the subject, I'd still want evidence to back up your arguments. This goes for any subject, by the way. No one gives a crap about your personal views when it comes to "objective" argument unless those views come from documented and cited material (it can even be your own material, just stop it with the "he said;she said" unverifiable crap)

    Definitions is only a small part of Taoism, one that I largely brush past when it doesn't suit me. Opposites is only a small part of Taoism, since it's really the whole that matters, not the yin or the yang, but the Yin and Yang. But what I'm talking about is not that even, it's under the texts on what Taoism considers an ideal state. Yes, what the average casual reader says "wtf is this?" and skims past.

    It talks about a small country that has all the basics, and people can hear the rooster crow in the next country but they never bother to leave. It also talks a great deal about various cultural "sins" under what is Not Tao, like beauty recognized as beauty (fashion models, anyone), too many weapons of war, etc. There's something way more important being said here, and you're ignoring it to pick apart my terminology (which you know sucks) to say something's wrong with my belief system.
    Recognizing ignorance isn't an excuse for ignorance. It just turns ignorance into idiocy.

    Until I can learn to stop quoting solely "personal experiences" my grasp of Taoism everything will be messed up.
    True story


  9. #49
    Always the Bridesmaid... bulmabriefs144's Avatar
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    Well, yea, sometimes the translations are outright conflicting.

    (Currently using this, because it's online and handy. My first version was the non-Kindle translation by Stephen Mitchell, if you wanna look at them both, those are my sources. But they're quite different)

    What they all agree on, however, if an emphasis on humility and not boasting of one's knowledge.

    There's also an expression that the Tao is easy to learn, but impossible to master. Why? Because it's itself a paradox of humility, if you say you're a "master" of the Tao you're a lying ******* who doesn't know anything. If you say you suck at it, you're probably right and having said it yourself, you're unable to prove otherwise.

    It's okay to not know all about the Tao, because there is much to know (beyond the customary stuff learned there is Five Elements Taoism, which de-emphasizes water, in favor of a balance between all five, but that's like prehistoric and nobody studies that). But what's not okay is claiming to "know things."

    So, no, I suck and don't always remember details. I keep re-reading it anyway, so as to learn more. And that's why I like Taoism, there isn't quite the self-righteous edge, where if you get stuff wrong you're a "sinner." You just keep plugging away, since the Tao accepts both the Light and the Dark.

    Also, Tesi, which is a bigger idiot, one who knows they don't know? Or one who thinks they know? Because, we're all idiots to one extent or another.



    Anyway, since I'm host of this thread (and because I don't like arguing in a losing debate), I'm changing the topic. Now, we talk about deep religious questions, like... is God male, female, or futanari?

    Bring up random questions, and let's try to answer them.
    Last edited by bulmabriefs144; 29th November 2011 at 07:07 AM.

  10. #50
    We're in a heap o'trouble Tesiqurasa's Avatar
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    There's a difference between realizing you're ignorant and ignoring that realization.
    If you just come to that realization and do nothing about it, you turn ignorance into idiocy.


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