But I've got some steam to let off and I don't feel like spamming the chatbox.

So last weekend, I had two days for my friends to come and get together for my birthday since I've never really celebrated it and I actually wanted to do so this year. Might as well end my year as a 22 year old on a positive note since most of you know I've had a basically ****ty year.

Saturday, I invited people to hang out with me at Gameworks (an arcade), dinner, and then karaoke. Whoever can make it to what can come out, the most important thing for me was the dinner anyway since I wanted to dine with my friends. Pretty much everyone that I invited could make it out except for one person. We'll call him Terry.

Anyway, Terry tells me he can't make it out because he has to study for finals. Normally, I would be okay with this because it IS finals week, and I honestly I wasn't expecting ANYONE to come out at all.


Terry has given me multiple excuses as to why he can't make it out to anything. First few excuses were fine, I let them slide. Eventually, one excuse was overlapping the other and he was also using excuses that weren't even related to him at all.

To make himself look even worse, I actually did have friends come out that weekend that were studying for finals.

What makes me even more unbelievably pissed off is that there have been a few instances where he could not come out to any social gatherings because his girlfriend didn't like the people that would be present. There were people present in my outing that she has vehemently stated that she did not like them. I have a funny feeling that she's a part of why he didn't come out of his first place.

Anyway, what really set me off about all of this was I decided to lightly poke fun about how it took him two damn days to finish an English paper. He gets upset and stats posting subtweets about how he's not having it instead of confronting me about it. Now he refuses to come out for our friend's bon voyage party because I'm going to be present.

Terry also says that I don't have any right to be mad and that I should have rescheduled the party because I knew he had finals. The only reason why I made it specific to last weekend was, well duh, my birthday WAS on the 8th, and then I wanted all of those close to me attend and last weekend was the best weekend to do it.

Honestly, what pisses me the most is that he's all worked up about how MY own party was not on HIS own terms. What a douche.


I feel SLIGHTLY better now.