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Thread: backyard paving stones

  1. #1

    Default backyard paving stones

    Why Choose Natural Stone for backyard paving stones ?

  2. #2


    Paving stones may be more expensive initially, but if you look at it from a different perspective, you will save more money on maintenance, repairs, and it will increase the value of your backyard paving stones property . Paved patios and backyard walkways look much more elegant and superior than concrete structures. And concrete is not the best choice for driveways and garages because of its heavy weight. The main thing is to find a good company backyard paving stones that can do this installation.
    Last edited by NarutoS; 22nd July 2022 at 04:27 AM.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by NarutoS View Post
    Paving stones may be more expensive initially, but if you look at it from a different perspective, you will save more money on maintenance, repairs, and it will increase the value of your backyard paving stones property . Paved patios and backyard walkways look much more elegant and superior than concrete structures. And concrete is not the best choice for driveways and garages because of its heavy weight. The main thing is to find a good company backyard paving stones that can do this installation.
    I read here that the ideal building material for paving is a wild natural sandstone - breccia (jagged, neokantovannye stone). It can be flat slabs with a jagged edge of sandstone of various shades, quartzite, andesite, dolomite, quartzitic sandstone, slate.

  4. #4


    Choosing natural stone for backyard paving stones offers numerous benefits over concrete, such as its durability, longevity, and unique aesthetic appeal. Natural stone is available in a variety of colors, textures, and patterns, making it easy to customize to your specific taste and style. Additionally, it requires less maintenance and is more eco-friendly than concrete. To determine the amount of natural stone needed for your project, you can use a natural stone calculator cubic yards, which can help you accurately estimate the amount of material needed and reduce waste. Overall, opting for natural stone for your backyard paving needs is a wise investment that will enhance the look and feel of your outdoor space while providing long-lasting durability.

  5. #5


    You need to be able to work with concrete, because only professionals working with concrete know the correct consistency and design. One of the key aspects when choosing a renovation contractor is to research and check their reputation. In due time I found an amazing concrete contractor Redding CA here

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